日期:2023-03-30 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]





论文标题:Profiling digital printing technology adoption in the fashion industry: A new approach to exploring innovation diffusion

期刊:International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (Scopus,A2)

摘要:Digital printing technology (DPT) represents a core innovation that is currently revolutionizing the global decorated apparel market by automating the printing process, facilitating customization, and reducing energy costs and production lead time. However, the fundamental understanding of the emerging DPT market remains unexplored due to its novelty. This study aims to identify DPT diffusion patterns over the past decade in the U.S. market and establish a predictive user profile employing social media-based analytics along with data mining and traditional statistical modeling. A proxy variable is used to measure likely adoption which reflects an S-shaped diffusion curve consistent with Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Additionally, the outcome profile suggests that likely DPT adopters reside in locations that reflect higher levels of education (bachelor’s degrees or higher), relatively young populations (i.e. between 19–34 years of age), proportionately higher incomes generated from art and design occupations, but with lower household annual incomes.


论文标题:The (In-)congruence effect of exploitative and explorative capabilities on firm performance

期刊:Journal of Innovation & Knowledge(SSCI Q1,特2)

摘要:In this study, to investigate how firms’ EXC and ERC portfolios influence performance, we develop a framework through which to examine their congruence and incongruence effects on firm performance. Using panel data of China's listed firms from 2012 to 2017, we extracted EXC and ERC by using stochastic frontier analysis and further investigated their (in-)congruence effects via response surface analysis. Our results reveal that, compared with incongruence, the congruence between EXC and ERC positively influences firm's performance. Furthermore, in the case of congruence, the higher both capabilities are, the higher firm performance will be. In the case of incongruence, the combination of high ERC and low EXC outperforms the opposite. These conclusions shed new light on how to better invest and develop both EXC and ERC for firms’ innovation.






论文标题:Stock dividend and analyst optimistic bias in earnings forecast

期刊:International Review of Economics & Finance(SSCI Q2,特3)

摘要:Abundant research has found optimistic bias in analysts’ earnings forecasts. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies from 2008 to 2017, this paper investigates how stock dividend affects analyst’s optimistic bias in earnings forecast. We find that analysts bias their earnings forecasts optimistically after stock dividends. Further study demonstrates that the influence of stock dividend on analyst’s optimistic bias is more significant when the company has less institutional stock holdings or when the analyst is in a small brokerage firm. The bias is moderated when the forecast is issued by a star analyst in a bull market. Mechanism analysis reveals that analysts issue optimistic forecasts for the interests of their own rather than unconsciously. The findings of this study indicate that self-interest motivates analysts to issue biased earnings forecasts, which ultimately reduces the efficiency of the capital market.










论文标题:Exploring the Nonlinear Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle: Evidence from China

期刊:Computational Economics (SSCI SCI Q3,A1)

摘要:This paper studies the spectrum of the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) puzzle in the Chinese A-share market using functional data analysis (FDA). It highlights a nonlinear IVOL puzzle with a steady reduction in the bottom 20% of average returns and a large drop of 1% in the top 10%, consistent with the herding, certainty, and reflection effects in China’s A-share markets. Furthermore, empirical evidence suggests that the FDA technique has a 30% greater goodness of fit than linear regressions, suggesting that nonlinearity plays a non-negligible role in the IVOL puzzle. These results can be useful for investors and hedgers, as they show that stock returns decline accelerated as the IVOL increases.


论文标题:Analysis of Stock Market Opening and Environment Protecting Information with Computational Technologies: Evidence from China

期刊:Security and Communication Networks(SCI Q3,A1)

摘要:This article through the capital market opening opportunity: Shanghai (Shenzhen) Hong Kong stock connect (the stock market opening mentioned later in this paper all refers to the Shanghai (Shenzhen) Hong Kong stock connect), empirically investigates the stock market opening that affects the environmental protection information disclosure of the company. Our conclusion supports the views that the stock market opening improved the environmental protection information disclosure of the company and promotes the environmental protection behavior of enterprises. Through further analysis, this paper finds that after the officially carried out the stock market opening policy, the attention of many analysts and the participation of foreign institutional investors urge the management to take the initiative to reduce agency costs, which is an important influence mechanism for the stock market opening to affect the disclosure of enterprises’ environmental protection information. The evidence of this study indicates that the stock market opening has an important impact on enterprises in China from the following aspects: improving the information disclosure of environmental protection, thus enhancing the company’s awareness of environment protecting, and improving the information quality of stock market in China.


论文标题:Strategic green marketing and cross-border merger and acquisition completion

期刊:Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI Q1,特2)

摘要: This study examines the effects of defensive and assertive green marketing approaches on cross-border M&A completion as well as the boundary conditions of marketing channels of financial advisors. An analysis of 358 cross-border M&As conducted by Chinese firms over 9 years (2007 to 2015) reveals that conducting corporate social responsibility activities as a defensive green marketing approach, developing green patents as an assertive green marketing approach, and hiring financial advisors as a marketing channel can increase cross-border M&A completion rates. The main relationship between assertive green marketing approach and M&A completion is weakened by financial advisors due to the substitute effect between financial advisors and assertive green marketing innovation. This paper provides insights for international business studies by adopting the strategic green marketing perspective and linking the marketing innovation literature to the emerging multinational enterprises internationalization literature.

论文标题:How do Consulting Firms Share Knowledge with Clients in the Arab world? The Cultural Embeddedness Perspective

期刊:Knowledge Management Research & Practice(SSCI Q2,特3)

摘要:This paper explores the challenges that consulting firms and client firms are facing in knowledge sharing in the context of the Arab management consulting industry, and how local culture works in solving these challenges. Taking knowledge sharing and the cultural embeddedness perspective as the theoretical lens, the study adopts a comparative case study design to explore how mechanisms of cultural contextualization affect knowledge-sharing behaviors. The findings highlight the benefits of cultural embeddedness in knowledge sharing between consulting firms and client firms through identifying the importance of Wasta (a social network of interpersonal connections) in skill-set formation, follow-on consultancy, niche specialist cultivation, and the establishment of network consulting. Our study provides industry players with a holistic framework to leverage Wasta to achieve knowledge sharing, which sheds light on a neglected cultural aspect in the management consulting industry.

论文标题:Extending Uppsala Model with Springboard Perspective in Emerging Multinational’s Sequential Internationalization

期刊:Journal of Risk and Financial Management(Scopus,A2)

摘要:The Uppsala model explains the traditional internationalization process of multinational enterprises (MNEs), which gradually begin to internationalize from countries with smaller psychic distances. However, in the turbulent global economy, an increasing number of MNEs from emerging markets (EMNEs) adopts a more radical and aggressive approach, strategically using international expansion as a springboard to enter an overseas market and radiate surrounding countries and regions. By combining the springboard perspective and the Uppsala model, we analyze a series of processes from EMNE’s first entry into an overseas market to the successful localization and expansion of international business. This radical model of international expansion has not been thoroughly studied. This empirical study aims to address this research gap by using a qualitative method and an in-depth case study. This paper conducted a semi-structured interview with 16 expatriates, executives, and middle-level managers from the case company in 2016. As one of the few single case studies that systematically studies the internationalization process of EMNEs and provides first-hand empirical evidence, it contributes to practice and provides a contextual reference for EMNEs.





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